The Red Bull Experience x Roar B2B

Roar B2B had the opportunity to attend an exclusive event at Red Bull’s London office last week. Learning from the masters who made it ‘From Napkin to National News’, the event was packed with wisdom and new insights. A shoutout to our partner, Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA) for hosting this wonderful event!
This article will give you the opportunity to be immersed in the world of Red Bull and get a rear-view into Red-Bull’s path to success. Here is the run down from ‘The Masters of Branded Content’ Event in London!
An evening that started with Champagne and Red Bull’s signature cocktails was followed by a presentation on Red Bull’s ideation behind their groundbreaking campaigns. This included the unboxing of the dreams that Red Bull has given wings to over the years - Be it the Don’t look Down campaign or the Biggest Fortnite Event. Believe it or not, all these ideas were first mapped out on napkins!
The first golden rule to Red Bull’s success – Be true to your purpose. For Red Bull this means empowering individuals through giving their ideas and ambitions wings. This has been a binding thread across all their campaigns – which have strived to bring to life dreams that have often been thought impossible. Be it Kriss Kyle BMXing on an air balloon, or Leticia Bufoni along with her fellow skaters gliding through the National History Museum in London.
The path to bringing eccentric ideas and fantasies to life involves obstacles that must be shattered along the way. This brings us to Red Bull’s second and perhaps most formidable rule – Collaborate with like-minded partners. Skate the Museum was implemented in collaboration with Canon, while their Biggest Fortnite event was made possible by partnering with broadband service, EE.
Marketers are often competing to tell the best brand story. Red Bull, on the other hand, is a firm believer in telling Human Stories. This is their final and foundational rule. Over the years, the company has built a community of people who share their ambitions. Pivoting away from the traditional brand storytelling methods towards focussing on creating an impact has been crucial to Red Bull’s success. While the team at Red Bull believes in hard numbers as a measure of success, they are strongly driven by evoking emotion and sentiment across communities.
A cumulation of being true to your purpose, collaborating with partners, and telling human stories is Red Bull’s secret to glory!
A sneak-peek into Red-Bull’s marketing strategy has hopefully given you wings to take flight into a new realm of creativity and unpack a plethora of new ideas!!
Nandini Arora, Content Executive at Roar B2B