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Super Benji

Stand: B2B-D3
  • | B2B Sales
  • | Discovery Zone
  • | Lead Generation
  • | Lead Nurture
Super Benji is an AI-driven sales automation tool designed to enhance B2B outreach by personalising and streamlining the sales process. The tool uses advanced algorithms to sift through various sources like LinkedIn, newsfeeds, and industry papers to find relevant hooks and craft personalised messages that resonate with potential clients. Super Benji automates the engagement process, allowing sales teams to focus on closing deals rather than the initial outreach. It can research prospects, re-engage with old leads, and identify optimal times for follow-ups, effectively increasing engagement rates and deal values. By automating repetitive tasks, Super Benji not only increases efficiency but also infuses a human touch into digital communications, ensuring that each message is both personable and timely.


The Quad, Summertown
311 - 321 Banbury Road
United Kingdom
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